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Saturday, November 1, 2014

What Nature Teaches Me

I do often find myself,
When thinking quietly,
About the world around us, 
What has nature taught to me?

As I see the reds and golds, 
Of Autumn's cheerful glory, 
I see the falling leaves and think, 
What is nature teaching me? 

I watch the wind blow through the grass, 
As the leaves fly from the tree, 
I think of faith, and things not seen, 
The ways nature teaches me! 

I think of winter coming soon, 
Like the Saviors misery, 
Taking color from the world,
What nature teaches me...

But after winter, spring will come,
With all it's brightness be, 
Like Christ rising from the tomb, 
And His nature teach to me! 

Oh Lord my God, what is my part,
In making all men free? 
May nature fill my heart with light, 
By what it teaches me. 


  1. You? Writing poems and posting them on your blog? You've come so far! ;) I love this poem. When I read it I can feel the love you have for nature and I can see the memories and nature as if I were looking at it rather then reading it. Thanks for sharing!

    1. And what was it you were saying about not being an example the other day?... ;) Would you be willing to tell me what I could work on? I would like to get better...

    2. I'm sure I'm not the only one who inspired you to write poems. I really don't have anything to say other than the last paragraph rhymes more then the others, so if you wanted to change it so that only the second and last line rhymed.... Yeah :D Its a really good poem. :)

    3. There were a few other people, yes. But mostly you.

      So I changed it, is that better? Any other suggestions?
